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    (Merge only)

    This method draws a horizontal line graph.


    _chart.line(data [, options])


    data is a script array of data points to be charted. See _chart Data for formatting details. options is a script object whose properties define various presentation options. See the _chart Display Options for details.

    Returned Value

    true if successful, false if an error occurred.


    The data array contains a list of data sets to be drawn as overlapping horizontal line graphs. The _chart.line() routine must be called from a containing object, typically a Group object. The chart is drawn within this object. Lines are drawn horizontally from the left to right on the chart. Data is provided as a series of primary (X-axis) data sets, each with one or more data values (Y-axis). Each X-axis data set creates a single connected line graph. See the _chart Display Options for details on how to modify colors, legends, fonts, etc.


    var data = [['Date', 'LBS/HR', '2nd LBS/HR']
    , [2006, 513, 500]
    , [2007, 565, 550]
    , [2008, 683, 800]
    , [2009, 768, 750]
    , [2010, 584, 400]
    , [2011, 727, 450]
    , [2012, 640, 500]
    , [2013, 809, 550] ];
    options = {
    	, LegendFont:{Size:12, Bold:true}
    	, XFont: {Size:10, Bold:true}
    	, LineThickness: [20000, 50000]
    	, LineStyle: ['Dash', 'Dot']
    	, MarkerStyle: ['star', 'openbox']
    	, MarkerColor: ['orange', 'blue']
    	, Markersize: [100000, 50000]
    	, ValueFont :{Size:10, Bold:true }
    _chart.line(data, options);

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