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    _printer.setOutputFile(filename[, printername])


    The setting of the output file name can take effect only when output generation for the current document, if any, finishes, and output generation for the next document begins.

    filename - The file names provided here can use embedded Field name references to dynamically name the output file based on the current data values. See also % substitutions in File Naming Conventions. Further, output file names can be prefaced with: prt::, file::, or run:: to more explicitly identify output destinations.

    printername - In some systems, a printer name can include a slash (/). That makes the name look like a file name and hence it is a good idea to preface actual printer names with prt::. And conversely, it could help to specify that a file name is meant to be a real, on disk, file name, by prefacing the name with file::.


    If file:: is used with a WIN-based output configuration, it signifies that Merge is to instruct the Windows printer driver to send its raw output to a file on disk. This works for only some Windows printer drivers but has been known to be of use to capture such things as the raw ZPL destined for a Zebra label printer. When using this option with a WIN output configuration you need to identify that actual Windows printer that the output would normally go to if you weren't choosing to direct it to a file. You do that by using the -outputRef command line option. It identifies an actual printer, whose Windows driver will be asked to send its output to your nominated file:: location instead. Your mileage may vary.

    The use of the run:: prefix is described in Output Filenames / Options. It is exceptionally handy, especially during form+data development where quick onscreen results can be seen by passing, for example, PCL output to GhostPCL to render it to a PDF format, or any other variation you might think of re: doing post-processing on whatever output was generated.

    On Linux systems, it is also possible to suffix the output destination name with ,p. This instructs Merge to interpret the destination name as a program name (e.g. lpr) and to pipe the generated output to that program.