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    Format and write text to the console


    _printf(format[, p1[, p2 ... ]])


    format is a template of the text to be written to the file. It is similar to a C-format string where embedded %s, %d, and %f markers that get replaced by parameters passed to _printf.

    p1, p2, ... are the optional parameters to be substituted into the format string.

    Returned Value



    The string format may contain substitution formatting codes:

    %d - gets replaced by an integer number.
    %D - gets replaced by an integer number that will have commas every 3 digits as in 1,234,567 (as of
    %s - gets replaced by a text string.
    %S - same as %s except when the data value is a JavaScript structure or array. In these cases, the result is 'prettified' by adding indents and carriage returns (as of
    %f - gets replaced by a decimal or floating number.
    %F - gets replaced by a decimal or floating number with commas every 3 digits (as of
    %x - gets replaced by an integer as a series of hexadecimal digits (lowercase)
    %X - gets replaced by an integer as a series of hexadecimal digits (uppercase)
    %E - gets replaced by the name of the script event currently being processed. Example: "OnEndMerge" (as of
    %% - gets replaced with a single % character.

    Between the % and the formatting code, you may add a single number that specifies the character width of the resulting text. For decimal numbers (%f code), you may also specify a format such as %10.4f - where the first number indicates the overall output width and the second the number of digits to display after the decimal point.

    Each "%" code must be matched by a parameter p1p2 etc. The parameter will get converted to the appropriate format and inserted into the output string. There is a reasonable string limitation which can be formatted, about 5000 characters. If a resulting string is too long it gets truncated and appended with "..." in the end. Do not format very long strings, it is not a fast process.

    Note that when Merge is run from within Design using PDF Preview... or Merge Test... in the Tools menu, the console window output is suppressed. Instead, _printf() output is redirected to the Merge log file.


     _printf("Hello World");                        // prints one line to the console
     _printf("name=%s, city=%s", "Tony", "Paris");  // prints 'name=Tony, city=Paris'
     _printf("value=%4.2f", 3.1415);                // prints 'value=3.14'
     _printf("value=%4.2F", 12345.67);              // prints 'value=12,345.67'
     _printf("num=%D", 1234567);                    // prints 'num=1,234,567'

    See Also
