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    Merge Output

    There are a number of optional ways to control what DocOrigin Merge can generate as output, where it writes it, and in what format. These are summarized here.

    The Basics

    Merge output is controlled by DocOrigin Configuration Files ( often called .prt files or config files). When you run Merge you must supply a configuration file that governs what fonts are available, when they must be downloaded or embedded (as opposed to assumed to be available), what output language to use (PCL, Postscript, PDF, HTML etc.), and a whole variety of options for these output languages.

    Along with the .prt file, you should specify where the output is to be sent. This can be a local printer, a file, a named pipe, or even a program or command to move the output to a designated repository.

    When your Merge run contains multiple documents (as in a whole series of invoices), you can also specify whether all those resulting documents are written as individual files or printer jobs, or combined using the -combinedocuments feature into a single document. This can be of particular value when generating PDF files, where you might want a single large PDF that contains all (say) invoices.

    Finally, you can if you wish, create more than one output stream from the same Merge run. For instance, from a batch of documents create individual PDF files that are each emailed to the client as well as a single combined PDF that you deposit in an archival repository.