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    File Naming Conventions

    Characters Restricted from File Names

    File names in DocOrigin are, by default, restricted to names that do NOT contain any of the following characters


    nor any ASCII control characters (0x00 - 0x1F).

    As of version, the user has control over the application of character restrictions via the command line option -RestrictedFileNames Yes/No; the default is Yes. A value of No will allow the restricted characters to be used, but your OS may object and processing failures may occur.

    The restricted characters [] are interpreted as auto/embedded field name references. Note that most of those substitutions are available only in Merge and that embedded references are processed before the character restrictions take place. If any of the restricted characters are present in an output file name they are automatically replaced with the underscore character. For example, a file name of f?r+ed will be converted to f_r_edFile names supplied for input files (e.g. a form name) will not replace the restricted characters and thus may generate errors if the Operating System rejects the name.