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    Format a line of text and display as a Windows popup message.


    _message(format[, p1[, p2 ...]])
    _dmessage(format[, p1[, p2 ...]])


    format is a template of the text to be written to the file. It is similar to a C-format string where embedded %s, %d, and %f markers that get replaced by parameters passed to _message. For a more complete description of the formatting process, see _printf.

    p1, p2, ... are the optional parameters to be substituted into the format string.

    Returned Value



    The _message function displays a pop-up message on a Windows system. On non-Windows platforms it will display the message to the stderr console and wait for the user to press a key. The _dmessage function is identical but operates only when the -debug option is set. In some cases, it may block your execution without notice. For example, if you run as a Windows service, you will not see a message but the execution is blocked. Consider using _logf or _printf or setting -RunFromService input parameter to avoid interaction.


     _message("name=%s, city=%s", "Tony", "Paris");  // displays 'name=Tony, city=Paris'

    See Also
