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    Output Filenames / Options

    Output files are typically specified as part of the Merge command line options using the -output option. The name can have various embedded substitution strings to allow the name to be programmatically modified when it is opened.

    It is important to note that the replacement of these various substitution strings happens at the time the file is opened. This is when the actual "Print" phase of Merge processing begins, immediately after the 'Start Next Print Driver' script event. This can be important when using Field substitution which can be modified by script.

    Output files can have 4 types of substitution:

    • Printer table substitutions (as of See below for details.
    • $X command substitutions - see $X String Substitutions
    • [fieldname] which is replaced by the form field's current value.
    • %x - one of several automatic field values, typically date and time values. See File Naming Conventions for details.

    Output value may be a logical printer (or file) name. Those values are mapped to real paths via key-value file called Default-PrinterTable.ini. Override this file with your own mappings. The logical printer name can not have any of the following characters: :, /, \, or .

    Some examples:

    -output $U/Output/Myfile.pdf
       ... output in C:/DocOrigin/User/Output.Myfile.pdf or equivalent
    -output $U/Output/[Account]_%Y-%M-%d.pdf
       ... substitute value of field "Account" and current date
       ... C:/DocOrigin/User/Output/12345_2015-03-20.pdf
    -output PrinterInRoom404