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    Web services operate using a client - server concept.

    The client machine is any machine; it does not have any particular prerequisites other than to be able to invoke a web service. curl is handy for that.

    The server machine is where DocOrigin and DocOrigin Web Services are. It is this server machine that we are referring to in the following prerequisites discussion.

    The DocOrigin web services run under the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). You need to prepare your DocOrigin server environment to support its operation. You may have these facilities already, but if not, you would need to:

    STEP 1 Install Java SE 8.

    Warning! Java SE 11 and newer are not supported.

    You need only the JRE (Java Runtime Environment), not the full JDK (Java Development Kit). If/When Java is installed you should be able to run java -version to see/verify which version you have. You should see something like:

    java version "1.8.0_261"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_261-b12)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.261-b12, mixed mode)

    STEP 2 Install Apache Tomcat 7 or above.

    Warning! Tomcat 10 requires the special deployment of .war files. See Deployment.

    Please note where your Tomcat installation is located.

    In a typical Windows, XAMPP-based install, tomcat is at C:\xampp\tomcat

    In a typical Windows-based independent tomcat install, tomcat is at C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0

    Elsewhere, we refer to the tomcat install location as [tomcat]. That location will have child folders named: bin, conf, and webapps (among others).

    To see/verify which version of Tomcat you have, run:

    [tomcat]\bin\version.bat on Windows

    [tomcat]/bin/version.sh on Linux

    STEP 3     Set environment variable DO_ROOT.

    On Windows, this is set automatically by the DocOrigin install.

    On Linux, you can set it for Tomcat by adding export DO_ROOT=/var/DocOrigin/ to the [tomcat]/bin/setenv.sh file and then restart Tomcat. If setenv.sh is not there, don't despair, just create it with that one export... line.

    Don't include the quotes in the export command. Use the path which points to your DocOrigin installation.