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    In order to use Tomcat's Manager app (like http(s)://yourTomcat/manager/html) to deploy .war files, you need to have configured a Tomcat user with the manager-gui role. If you don't have such a Tomcat user already, then add these lines to the [tomcat]/conf/tomcat-users.xml file in the section <tomcat-users> (note, you can (and should!) change the username and password):

    <role rolename="manager-gui"/>
    <user username="admin" password="admin" roles="manager-gui" />

    Alternatively .war files can be placed in the [tomcat]/webapps directory and Tomcat will automatically pick up and deploy them.

    Warning! At the moment DocOrigin web services don't support web deployment on Tomcat 10 so .war files should be placed in the [tomcat]/webapps-javaee directory and Tomcat will automatically convert and copy them to the webapps directory.

    The DocOrigin web services distribution package is a zip file named based on its release version. It consists of three parts:

    1. Servers, which are two WAR files for the REST and SOAP services.
    2. Client examples, which are two Java applications using REST and SOAP, with sources.
    3. Offline documentation.

    DocOrigin web services require users with the do-rest-user role (for using REST) and/or the do-soap-user role (for using SOAP). These roles need to be configured on the server. The roles can be assigned to either new users or any existing users.

    To define a user who can make both soap and rest requests to DocOrigin web services, add the following lines to the <tomcat-users> section of the [tomcat]/conf/tomcat-users.xml file.

    Note that you should use username and password of your choice.

    <role rolename="do-rest-user"/>
    <role rolename="do-soap-user"/>
    <user username="user" password="pass" roles="do-rest-user,do-soap-user"/>

    In production, it's recommended to configure your application server to use https for all connections. For configuration details see the reference documentation for your application server.


    To install the DocOrigin REST web service, deploy the server/rest/DORest.war file from the distribution package zip. You can either merely copy it to [tomcat]/webapps or you can use the Tomcat web-based manager application available at http(s)://[host:port]/manager/html

    By default, the REST service will be available using the URL: http(s)://[host:port]/DORest/1.3


    To install the DocOrigin SOAP web service, deploy the server/soap/DOSoap.war file from the distribution package zip. You can either merely copy it to [tomcat]/webapps or use the Tomcat web-based manager application available at http(s)://[host:port]/manager/html

    By default, the SOAP service will be available using the URL: http(s)://[host:port]/DOSoap/1.3