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    DocOrigin handles various barcodes. As for all things that are "printed", referring to your favourite .prt configuration file is a good course of action. Each of them contain quite a vast quantity of information in comments.

    That is where you will find which barcodes are supported for the selected configuration.

    If you are using barcode type X then it is presumed that you know all about barcode type X. That is, that you know what data is required by that barcode type. DocOrigin is not the source for specifications on various barcode types. Often those specs are veritable scientific journals, very hard to follow, so you are required to understand the barcode type that you are trying to use, most especially in terms of the data that such a barcode type requires. Given the right data, DocOrigin will render it.

    Knowledge of how to render the various supported barcode types is embedded in the DocOrigin software. You need supply only the data. However, certain variations in barcode rendering are available, (it varies by barcode type). You can see the default configured settings for those variations in the relevant .prt file. Do check there first.

    Whether it is barcodes, fonts, or layout style, most organizations desire, if not require, some standardization across all of their documents. So generally, barcode configurations are defined once at a site and never looked at again. These configurations are defined in the site's .prt files and used by DocOrigin to do the applicable rendering. Those configuration options are meant to, and do, apply across the board for all instances of the use of that barcode type, with that .prt, in all forms.

    In some cases, organizations choose to vary a barcode's options. For example, they might choose to include the text in one rendering, but choose to exclude it in another rendering. While this (not following a site standard) is somewhat unusual, DocOrigin accommodates it through the designer's use of the setTag function. See domObj.setTag (previously named setParm).

    See the Merge Barcode Options for details on using various barcodes and their options.