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    (Merge only) (previously named setParm, but that name is deprecated)

    Merge maintains an internal tag table for various settings that control its behavior. This routine can be used to change these settings - set an internal tag value.


    domObj.setTag(name, value [, driver])
    domObj.getTag(name, [, driver])


    name is the tag name to be set.

    value is the value to be assigned.

    driver is an optional printer configuration file designation used when setting PRT-specific parameters. This is strictly for convenience's sake. You could just as easily have used: drivername as the name. For example: "PDFBarcode39Text" as the name is identical to "Barcode39Text", "PDF".


    All objects have a fixed set of properties and those are accessed via standard DOM property access functions. However, some objects can take on either extra properties or have properties that are so rarely set that no specific UI is provided in Design to set them. Instead, Design has a Format > Object Tags... menu item that allows a form designer to nominate a tag and assign it a value. This open-ended capability allows many object's tags to be set without encumbering the Design UI with "clutter" for tags that are rarely set. In fact, being open-ended, it even allows for third-party tags to be defined for add-on application usage.

    These tags participate in the cascading tag philosophy of overriding tags between PRM files, overriding PRM files, command-line options, PRT configuration settings, and now these Design UI-specified or script-specified tag settings. We expect that you will set applicable defaults in your configuration files and for the rare times when you want a different value, you can use setTag to accomplish that setting change on an object-by-object basis. Of course, you can also override configuration settings via Design's Format > Object Tags... user interface. The choice is yours.

    In practice, override tags are most often used to tweak one or two of the myriad barcode symbology options when you have to deviate from your standard configured settings. setTag can also be used for PDF/UA Accessibility tags. Being able to 'walk the DOM' and use scripting to set accessibility tags is quite powerful. But of course, Design's Format > Object Tags... UI can be used as well.

    You may invent other uses for tags of your own as well.


    this.setTag("BarcodeAUSPOSTText", "N");            // No text with this barcode
    this.setTag("BarcodeAUSPOSTBarWidth", "0.5mm");    // set the bar width

    Returned Value

    setTag: None.

    Old names

    At one point these functions were called setParm and getParm. Those names still exist as synonyms for backward compatibility purposes but the preferred names, as of are setTag and getTag. For the technically curious, you can see the Design UI generated tag names and values for an object in its <parms> ... </parms> element in the XATW.

    See Also
