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    _locale (Format Currency, Number, Date/Time)

    These functions format numbers, currency, date, and time values in localized language/country format.



    Create new or get default locale object.


    (As of (Merge only) Set default locale.  


    To use the _locale features you must create an instance of the _locale object as follows:

     var loc = _locale.create("fr_CA");	// French-Canadian

    This new loc object can now be used to do various conversions to the specified locale (French Canadian in this example). The parameter to _locale.create() is a string comprised of a 2-character language code, followed by an underscore, followed by a 2-character country code. If you do not supply a locale name (_locale.create()) then you will get a default locale object. DocOrigin uses the IBM ICU tools to do all locale conversion. They use standard Language Codes specified in the ISO-639 standard. The Country Codes are from the ISO-3166 standard.

    Object functions


    Returns a 3-character country code. For example when using locale 'en-US' this routine will return "USA".


    Returns a 3-character currency code. For example when using locale 'en-US' this routine will return "USD".

    loc.currentDate([style[, timezone]])

    Returns the current date.

    loc.currentTime([style[, timezone]])

    Returns the current time.
    loc.formatCurrency(num)Returns a text string formatted according to the current locale's currency conventions.
    loc.formatDate(num[, style])Creates a localized date string.
    loc.formatNumber(num)Returns a number formatted into a text string according to the specified locale's conventions.
    loc.name()Returns the locale's name (e.g. "fr_CA").
    loc.parseCurrency(currencystring)Convert a formatted currency value to JavaScript number. This routine will remove currency symbols and deal correctly with comma vs. dot separators as dictated by the locale.
    loc.parseDate(datestring[, style])Convert formatted date to a number.

    Convert formatted number to a JavaScript number. Note that this routine assumes the numberstring is correctly formatted for the locale. For example:

     var loc = _locale.create("fr_FR"); // France
     n = loc.parseNumber("12.345,67");  // returns 12345.67

    loc.spellOut(number[, caps])Convert a number to words. This function is only available for a limited number of languages. It converts a number like 154 to "one hundred fifty-four". If caps is set to true the text will be "One Hundred Fifty-four'.
    loc.spellOutCurrency(number, format[, case])

    convert a currency number to words. format is a text string with an embedded %s to mark where the currency "dollars" should be embedded. Optionally, a second %s or %d can be used to embed the "cents" as either a string or 2 decimal digits. case can be upper to shift all spelled-out text to upper case or mixed to make the first letter of each word upper case. Default is all lowercase. Example:

    var loc = _locale.create("en_US");
    this._value = loc.spellOutCurrency(123.46, "*%s Dollars and %d Cents*");
    // results in *one hundred and twenty-three Dollars and 46 Cents*
    this._value = loc.spellOutCurrency(123.46, "*%s Dollars and %d Cents*", "mixed");
    // results in *One Hundred and Twenty-three Dollars and 46 Cents*
    this._value = loc.spellOutCurrency(123.46, "*%s Dollars and %s Cents*", "upper");
    // results in *ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-THREE Dollars and FORTY-SIX Cents*