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    _job (Current Job and Command Line Parameters)

    Whenever a DocOrigin script program is run a _job object is created. This object stores all command line settings in a subObject called _job.command. In some situations, it also carries job processing options and settings. The information is all ReadOnly. When used by the FolderMonitor program, some additional information is available that indicates the FolderMonitor job status.



    A sub-object that contains all command line settings. All command line name/value pairs are available. For instance, the current logfile name can be found at _job.command.logfile. The Form passed to Merge is _job.command.form.


    (FolderMonitor only) The name of the current data file being processed.


    (FolderMonitor only) The current job name. This is the job name as determined by the FolderMonitor Job Name Discovery.


    (FolderMonitor only) Other options from the Job Name Discovery.


    Returns the resulting unencoded string:


    Dump _job content to log file.
    _job.setCommandOption(name, value)Set one of the _job.command.x options and the global option it represents.

    See Also

    Job Name Discovery