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    (Merge only)  (As of

    Merge maintains an internal tag table for various settings that control its behavior and for tags defined by the user. This routine can be used to fetch all of those tag settings at once.




    All objects have a fixed set of properties and those are accessed via standard DOM property access functions. However, some objects can take on either extra properties or have properties that are so rarely set that no specific UI is provided in Design to set them. Instead, Design has a Format > Object Tags... menu item that allows a form designer to nominate a tag and assign it a value. This open-ended capability allows many object tags to be set without encumbering the Design UI with "clutter" for tags that are rarely set. In fact, being open-ended, it even allows for third-party tags to be defined for add-on application usage.

    There is also a getTag function to allow your script to get a specific previously set tag. That setting may have occurred by script or via the Design UI.  See domObj.setTag;

    The getAllTags function requires no parameters and returns a single JavaScript object which has a property for every tag defined for the domObj. If the domObj has no tags set, a common occurrence, then the object will have no properties.

    Returned Value 

    A JavaScript object with a property for each tag defined. Usage example:

    _logf("%E -- For %s", this._fullName);
    var tags = this.getAllTags();
    for (var tag in tags)
    	_logf("..Tag %s = '%s'\n", tag, tags[tag]);
    // Of course, you might actually do something, not just print them out!

    See Also
