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    Html-Adaptive Template Files

    The creation of the combined output file is controlled by a MultiMerge Template file - an html file with special Placeholder tags in it where the various pieces of information from the Merge runs are placed. For example, the output of the first view is placed in the BODY1 placeholder, the second view in the BODY2 placeholder, etc.

    There are default files in the DocOrigin/DO/Bin folder that ship with DocOrigin. You can override these on the MultiMerge command line with the -AdaptiveTemplate option.

    The default templates are named Default-DOHtmlAdaptiveTemplate#.htm where '#' is the number of views you specify in the -form argument. The most common template is Default-DOHtmlAdaptiveTemplate2.htm. If you decide to customize this, just copy this default file. Give it a new filename and store it in your overrides folder (DocOrigin/User/Overrides/).