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    Html-Adaptive Processing

    The Html-Adaptive processing results in an html output that will present distinct browser layouts depending on the width of the user's browser. It is typically used to allow mobile users a separate, more vertical view, of a web page that might otherwise become too small on a phone display.

    With the MultiMerge adaptive processing, the form designer must create separate form layouts for each variation of the browser display they require. These can be in separate DocOrigin xatw files (one xatw file for each view), or a single xatw where each page in the xatw represents a different view. Up to 10 distinct views can be defined. In practice 2 or 3 are likely all that you will require.

    Processing begins by MultiMerge internally invoking the DocOrigin Merge program separately for each of the form files (or pages if there is only one form file specified). The command line -data, -config, -logfile and -mergeargs are all passed to each of these Merge runs along with the individual form definition of a single html "view". All Merge runs get the same options except for the -form option.

    The output from these separate runs is then restructured into a single output html file (the -output arg). This output file contains each of the distinct "views" together with some html logic that determines which view should be displayed to the user.