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    Merge Licensing Info

    DocOrigin requires a license key file to enable the product features.

    • Without a valid license key file, DocOrigin Merge will emit an "Evaluation" spoiler stripe across all pages of all generated documents.
    • Without a valid license key file, some DocOrigin programs will refuse to run.
    • A license key file may not allow all features to be accessed -- based on your negotiated contract terms.
    • A license key file is meant to help you stay in compliance with your contract, however, it is your responsibility to not exceed the terms of your purchase.
    • An Evaluation license allows all features to run but for a limited time, e.g. 30 days.
    • An Evaluation license can be used on any, and any number of machines, also regardless of O/S. It does report the entity name of the evaluation license holder.
    • License keys include a Maintenance and Support (M&S) expiry date. The software will continue to run, without spoilers, after that expiry date. What will result in an 'invalid license key' status, and consequent spoilers, is the attempt to upgrade your version of DocOrigin to one that was released after your M&S expired.
    • If the system that is being upgraded allows internet access to docorigindb.com, and the M&S fees have been paid, then during the installation of the new software your license key file will be updated automatically to reflect the latest M&S expiry date (and possibly new feature flags). If internet access is not permitted, contact your distributor before upgrading to a new version. [And for heaven's sake, keep a backup of your old installation file!]

    Merge Version

    To display the current version number of Merge, use Windows Explorer to locate Merge.exe and double-click on it. Typically Merge will be in the C:\DocOrigin\DO\Bin folder on a Windows computer. For folks who use the command line, simply run Merge with no parameters at all. The current information on Page and Document counts will also be displayed. You will see a display similar to:

      DocOrigin Merge version
      (c) Copyright 2009-2020 - Eclipse Corporation WSL Inc.
      Hostname: AcmeServ
      This software is licensed for the exclusive use of "Acme Corp.".
      License key file used: 'C:\DocOrigin\DO\Bin\Acme_EVAL.key'
      Your license expires in 56 days.
          Page Count: 135
      Document Count: 100
           Job Count: 20

    In script within a form, you can get the Merge version via _os.getMergeVersion().

    License Key Renewal

    License Key renewal is done automatically during installation, assuming the system permits internet access to port 80 at docorigindb.com.

    An explicit renewal request can be made at any time using:

         DO Merge -renew

    You might wish to do that before you install so as to inspect the .key license key file for its M&S expiry date to see if a recent payment of M&S fees has been recorded and the M&S expiry date updated accordingly.

    The .key file includes the expiry date in encrypted form but also includes a comment line of the form: (Changing the comment line has no effect.)

        * This license expires on yyyy-mm-dd

    See Also

    License Keys