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    This filter allows you to sort your input XML file based on one or more keys. It is quite a fast sort at that! If running the filter standalone it takes the usual -in and -out parameters. When run as a filter via Merge, those parameters are provided automatically. The input will be either the -data file or the output of the previous filter. The output file will be passed on to the next filter, or if none, to Merge.



    Define which XML fields (tag names) to sort on. There may be one or more.

    Sort key qualifiers

    There are a number of qualifiers that can be applied to each sort key. They must follow the sort key to which they apply. These qualifiers are:

    Qualifier            ValueMeaning
    -sortOrderascending or descendinghow key values are sorted
    -caseSensitive*see noteTreat keys with the different case as different
    -numeric*see noteTreat this key as a numeric. E.g. 2 should come after 10.
    -rightJustify*see noteFor sort purposes, pad this key on the left with blanks until it is the width of the maximum width key for this sort key

    *These are all Boolean settings so, if you are keen on such things, you can add an =Y, =N, =T, =F, =0 or =1 to each of these. The default is =Y. So the setting itself says that you want that action to happen. And the absence of the setting means that you don't want that to happen.

    -numeric and -rightJustify were introduced in

    Filter syntax

    Do recall that as a Merge filter, it is the entire set of parameters for a filter that is simply one large -filter parameter to Merge. So if you are running this as a Merge filter, as opposed to standalone, you would say, preferably in a .prm file, not keyed in by hand on the command line (and notice that the whole set of parameters is within quotes):

    -filter "DocumentSort -keyName=SortTagA -numeric -keyName=SortTag2 -sortOrder=descending"

    A powerful usage

    By doing a fast sort on, say, Branch, or Region, it is very easy to get all the documents out for a Branch|Region together. If you are producing PDF output, using PDFCombineDocuments Yes, you can easily put all of the documents for a Branch|Region into one PDF for easy dissemination.

    See Also

    Multiple Outputs
    Printer options