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    Dat2XML Filter

    Dat2XML is an executable (not JavaScript) filter which will convert basic Field Nominated Format (FNF) into XML.

    NOTE: Dat2Xml is DEPRECATED. It is superseded by the far more functional ConvertDatToXml executable.

    Dat2Xml presumes that the input data file is for only one document.

    Dat2XML handles the following FNF commands:

    • ^Field fieldname - the name of a field on the form.
    • ^Global fieldname - interpreted as a ^Field. Set global flags in DocOrigin Design to make any field global.
    • ^Graph fieldname Dat2XML makes the filename the data for the current field.
    • ^Form formname - adds the form to a list of DocOrigin forms that will be combined into a single form within Merge. Equivalent to -form "formname1;formname2; ..." Merge syntax.

    Additional parameters:

    • -rename from:to — This directs Dat2XML to change the field name called 'from' to a new name called 'to'. This allows data to be renamed to match fields in an existing form. You may include multiple -rename commands in the command file.
    • -rtrim Y/N -rtrim Y   tells Dat2XML to remove all trailing blanks from the end of the data.