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    Design Images

    One of the many object types that can be included in a form design is a graphic image. These can take the form of static images or of image fields.

    By selecting the image tool icon (looks like a maple leaf) from the toolbar the designer can drag out an area to be filled by a static image. Then, using the Image File browse button in the Object Properties dialog, the designer can select the desired graphic (logo, etc.). The designer can choose various options to fit the chosen image into the nominated area.

    The designer can choose image files of the following formats/file extensions:
        *.bmp, *.gif, *.jpeg, *.jpg, *.png, *.tif, *.tiff 
        *.pdf – see below; needs a 3rd party tool 

    When defining an image field the designer uses the field tool to drag out an applicable area and then selects the Image option from the Display as dropdown in the Field tab of the Object Properties dialog. The data file is expected to supply a file name of one of the acceptable image types. By default, the data-nominated image will be scaled to fit inside the field's extent without any scaling distortion. Other 'fitting' options can be selected via script using the this._imageMode property. See DOM Properties

    PDF Page As Image

    (As of

    If you select a PDF file as the image then you will be presented with a follow-on dialog to choose which page of the PDF to pick and also which DPI to use (default 150). This functionality is predicated upon the existence of a 3rd party tool. See PDF Page Images.

    Image as Template

    A designer may choose to bring in a, typically full page, image as a means to, well, have a background image, but also to be able to precisely place fields in their proper locations relative to that background image. To bring in the, possibly temporary, background image, the designer is likely to use the Insert > Image as Template... menu item. The designer then gets to pick an image just as with the usual image tool. By default, this Image-as-Template image is marked invisible but of course, you can change that if you do want it to appear in the generated output.

    A popular choice may be to select a page of a PDF file to use as that image. See the previous subtopic.

    Once that image has been placed (it will automatically be placed at the top-left (0,0) and will be in the background, i.e. behind the dynamic area occupied by panes), the designer can select the "Auto-Field" tool and simply point at an area of the screen that has a discernible rectangle around it. Design will find that rectangular area and create a field that exactly matches it. Likely the designer would name the field and then hold down the Alt key so as to bring back the "Auto-Field" tool. In that way, the designer can very rapidly place many fields in exact size and registration with the background image. If the rectangle is a small square, Design will deem it to be a checkbox field and set the field's attributes accordingly. Note that before starting this process it is recommended that you set your grid unit to be very small, at least .01", if not .001". In that way, you will get much better registration with the background rectangles.