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    Specify the name of the log file where Merge will write job-related information.


    -logfile filename


    Specify the name of the log file where Merge will write job-related information, such as start and end times, and error messages. This is a mandatory command-line option, however, it is supplied automatically by the Default-DocOrigin.prm file. Of course, you may override it on the command line or in your own .prm files. See the File Naming Conventions section for additional restrictions and options. This includes the ability to inject various date-time-related placeholders in the logfile name, as well as referencing file values. If the specified log file already exists, DocOrigin programs append to the end of the file, otherwise, the file will be created.

    Emergency log file

    Sometimes issues arise before the log file has been established. Typically this is during the initial processing of all the command line parameters. In that case, messages will be appended to the .../DO/Bin/DocOrigin.log file. This emergency log file will also be resorted to if we are unable to write to your nominated log file.

    By the way, if needed, we make ten slightly spaced attempts at accessing your log file but if all those fail we will then use the emergency log file. If you detect that your processing times have really slowed down, it may be because we can't access your log file and all those retries do slow you down. Consider checking .../DO/Bin/DocOrigin.log from time to time. And yes, even though it is under the DO tree, you may choose to delete it from time to time.

    Most issues reported to this log file will be related to bad/unrecognized parameters. If you get a "bad arg list" return code such as 101, 201, or 708 strongly consider looking in this emergency log file.

    Finally, if we cannot access this emergency log file either, we will attempt to send an email alert (up to 3 times). However, you must have -alertTo set, as is recommended, for an email alert to occur.

    See Also

    Command Line Processing
    File Naming Conventions
    Return Codes