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    DEMO Application

    You can find reference implementations for DocOrigin WS REST and SOAP clients under the client/rest and client/soap folders of the distribution package.

    Collateral is provided to build them with Maven but of course, you need Maven to be installed to build it using Maven. Alternatively, you can import pom.xml into the Java IDE of your choice.


    The REST client reference implementation is located in client/rest/restClient.

    It's a Maven project with all the configured dependencies that you need to do REST calls, plus it contains an example call to run a WS job.

    To build and package the app from the command line, execute mvn package in the client/rest/restClient folder (the one with the pom.xml file in it).

    After the build completes, in the target folder, you'll find two jars: restClient.jar - which is just the client alone, and restClientWithDependencies.jar - which is a runnable uberjar with the client app and all its dependencies.

    You can experiment with it by running it via the command line using the supplied testRest.bat file. It will read the testRest.properties file at runtime and execute the REST request. Be sure to adjust the testRest.properties file to match your configuration.


    The SOAP client reference implementation is located in client/soap/soapClient.

    It's a Maven project with all the configured dependencies that you need to do SOAP calls and Web Services Description Language (WSDL) for the java generation step, plus an example call to run a WS job.

    To build and package the app from the command line, execute mvn package in the client/soap/soapClient folder (the one with the pom.xml file in it).

    Once the build is complete, in the target folder you'll find two jars: soapClient.jar - with just the client alone, and soapClientWithDependencies.jar - a runnable uberjar with the client app and all its dependencies.

    You can experiment with it by running it via the command line using the supplied testSoap.bat file. It will read the testSoap.properties file at runtime (be sure to adjust those properties to match your configuration) and execute the SOAP request.


    To test the default installation, copy Sample_Invoice.xml from %DO_ROOT%/DO/Samples to the folder where testSoap.bat is located. After a successful run, you'll notice a newly generated PDF in that same folder.