ODBC on Linux

The needed ODBC library libodbc.so is not shipped with DocOrigin. It is your responsibility to create the needed infrastructure. That requires the 64bit ODBC library and the applicable ODBC connector(s) for whichever database system(s) you intend to use. And you must create/maintain the configuration files: i.e. odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini. DocOrigin does not provide guidance on how to setup your ODBC configuration.

There is more than one implementation of ODBC support for Linux. As a small start you could try:

sudo yum install unixODBC

but as said before, you will also need the applicable ODBC connector(s) and do the needed configuration.

The DocOrigin post-installation process (POSTINSTALL) looks for the ODBC library in /usr/lib64/libodbc.so. If found, it creates a symbolic link from DO/Bin/libodbc.so to that library. If your installation of ODBC puts the library in some other place be sure to create the DO/Bin/libodbc.so symbolic link to wherever it is located. DocOrigin does a dynamic load of that library via that symbolic link.