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    Load an INI file into a JavaScript object 




    filename is the name of the INI file to be read. Note that the usual $X-type of substitution is also applied. The file is required to contain either UTF8 or plain ASCII characters.

    Returned Value

    The contents of the INI file is converted to a JavaScript structure. null is returned in case of an error, e.g. file not found.


    For INI file entries without a [section] (i.e. in the default "" section), these are simple name:value entries in the JavaScript object. Entries within a [section] are stored as section:{array of name:value pairs}. See the Example below.


    ; sample ini file

    The above can be loaded by:

     var oIni = _file.readIniFile("thefilename");

    The resulting value of variable oIni will be:

    first = oIni.first; // simple reference to a value
    home = oIni["home address"]; // when the keyword contains a non-alphanumeric char.
    third = oIni['Section1'].third; // reference to a section

    DocOrigin Extended ini Support

    Please see _profile (Access Profile Files) for descriptions of DocOrigin's extended support for INI files. These include:

    1.    Conditional and unconditional includes of other INI files
    2.    Special character handling within values
    3.    "heredoc" support
    4.    Default section continuation using []
    5.    Auto text substitution using the [Define] section
    6.    Key names may be any string not just a single word
    7.    Values can optionally be surrounded by "" or ''.

    The readIniFile() function is similar to the _profile.load() function, but more general-purpose, and is recommended unless you are specifically wanting to reset the internal Profile settings. readIniFile will not do any of the automatic actions that may be specified in a true profile file.

    readIniFile does not have specific sibling functions for enumerating sections and/or keys within sections. As the returned object is a standard JavaScript object, the usual

                 for (var x in oIni)...
    constructs should suffice for enumeration needs. If typeof x is an object then x is a section name.

    INI files are often used for language translation tables. In such cases, it is not unusual that the key is a multi-word string. Eg.

                 Continues on the next page=Fortsättning på nästa sida

    You will not be able to reference oIni.Continues on the next page but you can (must) reference oIni["Continues on the next page"]. Since this example is likely from the [Swedish] section you might be referencing oIni.Swedish["Continues on the next page"]. All the usual JavaScript capabilities apply.

    See Also

    _profile (Access Profile Files)