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    Cycle through a list of files that match a file name mask


    _file.findNext(nameMask[, directories])


    nameMask is a wildcarded file (or directory) name mask. Typically something like "*.xml" or "subFolder/*.txt"

    (As of directories is an optional Boolean parameter indicating to look for directories instead of files. The default behavior is to look for files.

    Returned Value

    The name of the next file (or directory) that matches the name mask. Returns "" if there are no more matches for the name spec.


    This function is used to determine the names of all the files or directories that match a given name mask.

    It is an extremely good idea to call _file.findClose() before beginning a loop of calls to _file.findNext(). _file.findClose() ensure that you start a new search rather than continuing on from some previous _file.findNext() search.


    See domObj.appendInstance for an example of usage of these functions.