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    (Merge only) (As of

    Return the _value property of a dotted object name, or "" if the named object does not exist. Document DOM only, not Data DOM.


    (As of domObj.DOMValue(dottedName)    


    Returned Value 

    The _value property of the document object that was found or "" if the object was not found.


    dottedName defines the name of the object which is to be found and whose _value property is to be returned. This is a literal string or a variable that contains a string. E.g. "Details.Detail.Item".


    Scripters often want to know the value that was provided for a data item. However, frequently these items are inside optional Panes. Direct reference to such objects runs the risk of having the script fail if the referenced optional pane does not exist. By using this function and supplying the object name in dotted notation you can safely get the value of a referenced object without fear of running afoul of optional panes that do not exist. If the object (or any of its ancestors) do not exist the returned value will be "". 99.9% of the time that is the cue that scripters use to decide on some default action. The important thing is that your script will not fail and you can safely use the returned result.

    See Also
