On this Page


    (Merge only) (as of

    Creates a PDF bookmark for a given object.


    domObj.bookmark(key, value)

    (As of domObj.appendInstance([paneName])


    key specifies the main bookmark category, for example, "CustomerContact".

    value specifies a sub-bookmark below the category, for example, "ABC Company".

    Both parameters must be strings.


    Note that the PDF driver bookmark feature must be enabled either with your PDF .prt file by setting the <Bookmark>Yes</Bookmark> option, or by using the -PDFBookmark Yes command-line option.

    Such functions are available now:

    _document.bookmark(key, value);

    _page.bookmark(key, value);

    domObj.bookmark(key, value);

    It is also possible to use different kinds of DOM references like this.bookmark(), this._currentPage.bookmark(), this.parent.bookmark() or _document.main_pane.detail_table.bookmark(), etc.

    Bookmarks to page point to top of the page while bookmarks to an object point to page with vertical offset trying to point directly to the object.

    Note that calling _page.bookmark() or domObject._currentPage.bookmark() should happen after pagination otherwise it will point at the first instance of logical page.

    See Also

    _page (The Page DOM)