On this Page


    (As of

    MultiPage only works with DocOrigin-generated PDF files!!!

    The MultiPage feature lets you output two or more logical PDF pages on a single physical PDF page.


    MultiPage -in DocOrigin.pdf -out MultiPage.pdf [-ini MultiPage.ini]

    There is Default-MultiPage.ini in the DocOrigin/DO/Bin folder. Please study this .ini file as it contains a lot of valuable information.

    Before using MultiPage, you must define mandatory settings either in $O/MultiPage.ini or in the custom MultiPage .ini file which can be passed to MultiPage via ini command line parameter.

    There are several MultiPage*.ini examples in the DocOrigin DO/Samples folder.

    You will find that you may choose from three "pre-configured" page sizes for the output (Letter, Legal, and A4).

    The mandatory settings in the .ini are

    • TargetPageSize=Letter|Legal|A4
    • TargetOrientation=Portrait|Landscape
    • GridCellsInX=Number of pages across
    • GridCellsInY=Number of pages down

    You can also choose to have a border drawn around the original pages. To do this, set the [Border] style, line type, line color, line thickness, and line inset accordingly.

    You can generate MultiPage output directly from Merge by using Merge's run:: option in the -output argument, e.g.

    -output "run::MultiPage -in %t -out MultiPage.pdf -ini MultiPage_A4_Portrait_2x2.ini"