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    Field Name Matching

    An element node in the fully qualified name of the item in the Document DOM may be omitted from the fully qualified name of the corresponding item in the Data DOM.


    • A data item InvoiceDetailLine.Field1 may map to a Document DOM item
    • A data item InvoiceTable.Field1 may map to a Document DOM item
    • A data item Field1 may map to a Document DOM item InvoiceTable.InvoiceDetailLine.Field1.
    • A data item InvoiceTable.Header.Field1 will NOT map to a Document DOM item
      Because Header is not a part of the fully qualified name of the Document DOM item, the mapping is not allowed.
    • A data item InvoiceDetailLine.InvoiceTable.Field1 will NOT map to a Document DOM item
      Because the first two-element nodes are not in the same order in the fully qualified names, the hierarchies are different.

    Saying it a slightly different way: The form design can have more structure than the XML data.

    The form design can have panes and groups that add structure that is not necessarily in the XML data.

    For a match to occur all ancestor nodes in the XML data much match up with ancestor nodes in the form design, though the form design may have extra structure interspersed between those nodes.