Specify a script for Merge to run as soon as the form file is opened
Specify the fully-pathed name of a script file for Merge to associate with the top-level Form object. Typically, such a script file has a Start of Job event script which is thus executed as soon as the Form is opened.
-scriptFile C:/DocOrigin/User/Scripts/InitForm.wjs
This option is rarely used.
The script file must include the wrapper for any event it wants to supply. For example, this would require:
function OnStartJob() { ... }
as the wrapper for the Start of Job event. Script for multiple events, e.g. OnStartJob, and OnStartDoc can be supplied in the script file, provided the script for each event is surrounded by its applicable wrapper.
One place where this is used is in scripts for Design External Tools. Design's External Tool runs
Merge -scriptFile
and effects (most likely) a change in the XATW being edited.