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    (Merge only) (As of

    Specify a duplexing option


    -{prt}duplex value


    Possible values are:

    • form - indicates to use the duplex settings that were set in the form. This is the default.
    • top - indicates to print the form duplexed with top-binding no matter what is set in the form.
    • left - indicates to print the form duplexed with left-binding no matter what is set in the form.
    • right - indicates to print the form duplexed with right-binding no matter what is set in the form.
    • simplex - indicates to print the form as simplex (one-sided) no matter what is set in the form.

    In an output configuration file (.prt), the option is specified in the format:


    When multiple configuration files are in use, or anytime, it is wise to prefix the option name with the printer type. E.g. -PDFduplex simplex

    On the command line, options are case-insensitive.

    See Also

    Command Line Processing