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    Code 39

    Code 39 or 3-of-9 supports a 43-character set of upper case letters, digits, and a few special characters. A variant using the Barcode39FullAscii option will encode a full ascii character using two standard code 39 characters.


    • Barcode39BarWidth 0 - Set the width of the narrowest bar. See Barcode Widths section above.
    • Barcode39Ratio 3 - Set the ratio of narrow to wide bars.
    • Barcode39Text Y - If Y, adds human-readable text below the barcode. Each character is drawn beneath its bar representation, so spread across the width of the barcode.
    • Barcode39AddChecksum N - If Y, computes a trailing checksum automatically. Checksum text is included only when Compact Text is N.

    • Barcode39CompactText N - If N, each character is drawn beneath its bar representation. If Y, the text is instead compacted together.

    • Barcode39FullAscii N - If Y, convert text to use 2-character encoding of all text.

    • Barcode39DerivedText N - If Y, the text includes any added characters, including from the full ASCII option. Applicable only when compact text is Y.