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Code 11
Code 11, also known as USD-8, can encode any length string consisting of the digits 0–9 and the dash character (-).
- Barcode11Text Y - if Yes adds human-readable text below the barcode. Each character is drawn beneath its bar representation, so spread across the width of the barcode.
- Barcode11Checksum Y - if Yes, computes a trailing checksum automatically, 1 digit if the length of the message to encoded is less than 10 characters, and 2 digits if 10 characters or longer.
- Barcode11NarrowBarWidth 0 - set width of the narrowest bar, 0 means auto calculate to fit the object's dimensions.
- Barcode11Ratio 0 - set ratio of narrow to wide bars, 0 means auto calculate to fit the object's dimensions.