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    ContainerA rectangular area within a page object into which dynamic content in the form of one or more panes gets flowed vertically.
    DocOriginSendMailServerUsually, it is impractical to wait for a connection to a mail server to have a single email sent. Instead one often queues email packets in a folder, and DocOriginSendMailServer is launched, without waiting, to effect the connection to the mail server and send the emails. DocOriginSendMailServer is not truly a server as it will exit as soon as all queued-up emails have been sent. It will be started again once a new email is to be sent.
    Data ExplorerThis is the panel that can be revealed in the Design UI. You nominate a sample XML file to be depicted in the Data Explorer. After that, you can drag elements or even whole structures onto the design canvas in order to create fields with the appropriate names.
    Design canvasThe middle part of the Design UI where you draw objects for your form layout.
    DocumentThe result of Merge processing one set of data, combined with the form. Many documents can be included in a single spool file or a single PDF. Think of a document as one invoice, or one statement.
    Dynamic formA form that is constructed in Design such that the objects may be in either fixed or non-fixed locations on the page(s). The objects or object groups in non-fixed locations are typically intended to allow for multiple occurrences of the associated data in the data stream. When the dynamic form is combined with the data stream in Merge, the content of the data stream, that is, the number of occurrences of each non-fixed object group flows down page(s), generating output that uses as many pages as necessary to satisfy the data. Technically, a dynamic form has at least one Container object and one or more Pane objects.
    Data DOM
    (Document Object Model)
    A hierarchical representation of the data loaded from the XML data file.
    Document DOMA hierarchical representation of the document to be "printed". Fields are populated with data from the Data DOM. The Document DOM is the result of combining the Form DOM with the Data DOM.
    FilterThis is typically a data preprocessor that massages the input data into suitable XML for merging into a form. Various filters are supplied and custom ones can be deployed as well.
    FilterEditorThis is a UI tool for graphically defining the rules for extracting data from a spool report file so as to create structured XML for merging into a form.
    FolderMonitorThis facility allows jobs dropped into watched folders to be detected and processed.
    FolderMonitor InstanceOne can have several FolderMonitors running simultaneously, each monitoring its own watched folders. Each running FolderMonitor is termed an 'instance'.
    Form DOMA hierarchical representation of the form as it was defined in Design.
    Form ExplorerThis is the panel in the Design UI that is typically on the left-hand side. It depicts the hierarchical structure of the form design. Objects may be selected in the Form Explorer, just as they can be on the design canvas. In the Form Explorer, objects may be dragged up or down in the form structure.
    Fully Qualified Name

    The hierarchy of tag names for an element from an XML data file. The fully qualified name is the target data field name preceded by the tag names of all of its ancestors, for example:


    Note that the XML tag names are case-sensitive, therefore, DetailLine.Quantity is not the same as DetailLine.quantity.

    Fully Qualified Name
    Element Node
    One level in the reference hierarchy of a fully qualified name, for example, DetailLine in the example above.
    GroupA Group object on a form template is a rectangular area which can contain other text, fields, images, or other graphical objects. It creates another level of structure to the data. Unlike a Pane, it is not dynamic.
    JobThe name given to the entire set of data that Merge is processing that may result in one or more documents. Merge executes a single job each time it is run.
    Job Name DiscoveryThis is a script (JavaScript) that is used by FolderMonitor to quickly examine the job's data file and determine the applicable 'job name' (job type).
    Job Processing ScriptThis is a script that is run by FolderMonitor, well, FMTransaction actually, to process the data for a given job. The script typically performs a Merge of the data and a nominated form but may include as many steps as you like.
    Job QueueThis is a combination of a watched folder name and a file mask which defines which files are to be detected by FolderMonitor. Many such queues may be defined.
    PaginationAfter the data has been merged into the document DOM, it's quite likely that containers will be filled with more panes than will fit in the container. The pagination phase then breaks such overflowing containers into multiple pages such that each container is as full as is permitted by the form design's Allow split, Break before, Break After, Force Break rules.
    PaneA rectangular object that may contain a set of one or more nested panes or any combination of: table, field, label, group, line, and box objects. Panes are the only objects that flow down the container from one page to the next in a dynamic document. Tables and fields nested within a pane may be split across pages but for that to happen they must be nested within a pane.
    Static formA form that is constructed in Design such that the objects are in fixed locations on the page(s). The locations are set in Design and cannot be altered by Merge processing. Technically, a static form has no Container objects and no Pane objects.


    DOSMSDocOriginSendMailServer = for sending queued email
    FEIn a Design context: Form Explorer; outside of Design: FilterEditor
    FVRForm Verification Report -- produced in Design
    JNDJob Name Discovery script used by FolderMonitor
    JPSJob Processing Script used by FolderMonitor
    MTXMetrics -- Font Metrics file extension
    PRMParameter file extension
    MPRMMerge parameter file extension -- On Windows, it has an association with Merge.exe
    PRTPrinter Confguration file extension
    WJS"Wonderful" JavaScript file extension
    XATWXml All The Way -- the form design extension