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    FolderMonitor operates by monitoring one or more file folders - also known as Queues in this system. Queues are examined in sequence - all jobs (data files) in Queue1 are processed first, then all in Queue2, etc. After every job is processed the system returns to scan Queue1, then Queue2 etc. This allows you to configure the system to have a High-Priory Queue (Queue1) and a Normal-Priority Queue (Queue2). Jobs placed in Queue2 would be processed sequentially unless a job appeared in the higher priority Queue1.

    For simple installations, only one Queue need be configured. You can configure up to 10 separate Queues if you wish.

    Jobs within a Queue are always processed in the order they were added to the Queue (i.e. date & time order).

    In some situations, files may be placed in a Queue that cannot be processed or opened by FolderMonitor. In this case there is a Quarantine procedure that attempts to run the job at a later time. See the Error Handling section below for details.