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    (DocOriginFolderMonitor.prm only) (As of

    Define how many jobs this FolderMonitor instance can run concurrently.


    -concurrent n


    A FolderMonitor (FM) instance processes jobs from the -queue1 through -queue10 definitions that specify folder names and file masks to monitor. By default, each instance processes one job (i.e. data file) at a time. With the -concurrent option, FM can be instructed to process multiple jobs in parallel. The default value for n is 1 -- meaning 'process one job at a time'. The maximum value for n is 62. A sensible value would be in the vicinity of the number of logical processors that your server has. (On Windows: echo %NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%).

    FM processes a data file by handing it off to the FMTransaction process. Before, FM waited for FMTransaction to complete before moving on to the next file. Now FM will launch additional copies of FMTransaction up to the -concurrent setting value. If it can launch no more copies of FMTransaction, it will wait for one of them to end, before launching a new one. Naturally, the order in which the jobs are processed will not necessarily be first in first out. Also, the log file will have interleaved messages from all of the jobs being run concurrently. Of course, each message entry carries its JobId tag.

    This setting is most advantageous when many independent, often single document, jobs are being placed in the folder(s) that an FM instance is watching. It would also be of benefit when there is an occasional large (many, many documents) job mixed in with large numbers of small jobs. In such a scenario, the large job would not hold up all of the smaller jobs.