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    Set a value for a $X-type variable.


    -$X value

    $X value       // the dash is optional


    Set the value for a $X-type variable. These variables start with $ and are followed by a single upper case character. A few such characters are reserved for system use. See $X String Substitutions.

    Typically the values assigned to these variables are file paths. It is never a good idea to hard code a file path deep down in a script (within or outside of a form design). Better to use a $X-type variable and define that on the command line or in a parameter (.prm) file, as befits the scenario, or the server on which the script is deployed. Such paths may vary from development to test to production.

    While the values are typically paths (see Default-Paths.prm), they need not be restricted to only paths. They can be any value that the application's script wishes to use. For the most part, folks would use a -cache name:value setting for those purposes but using a $X-type variable is fine too, though a single letter doesn't carry much meaning into an application.

    See Also

    $X String Substitutions