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(As of (Windows only) (DocOriginNotify only)
Specify the color theme of the toast issued by DocOriginNotify and also the color of the DocOriginNotify icon that appears in the "systray".
color name|
This is most useful when running multiple instances of DocOriginNotify. The theme color can be used to instantly know which monitored file set has had activity.
-themeColor LightGreen
Recognized color names are: Beige, Black, Blue, Brown, Coral, Cyan, DarkGray, GreenYellow, Gray, Green, LightBlue, LightCyan, LightGreen, LightGray, LightPink, LightYellow, Magenta, Orange, Pink, Red, Salmon, Turquoise, Yellow, and White.
Otherwise use #rrggbb where each r, g and b is a valid hex digit.
The default is "Steel blue" #4682B4