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    (Windows DocOriginFolderMonitorSVC.prm only)

    Define a Folder Monitor instance name and indicate if it is started automatically or manually.


    -monitor "instanceName:Automatic|Manual"


    On Windows, the DocOriginFolderMonitorConsole application can start/stop any of a user-defined set of FolderMonitor instances. These instance possibilities are made known to the DocOriginFolderMonitorSVC Service by way of its parameter file: DocOriginFolderMonitorSVC.prmThis is done by entering in as many -monitor lines as desired into that file. If the monitor instance is designated as Automatic then when the FolderMonitor service is started, that monitor instance will also be started. Since, as installed, and as is typical, the FolderMonitor service itself is started automatically when a reboot is done, that means that all of the FolderMonitor instances designated as Automatic will also start on a reboot. If the instance is designated as Manual, then the FolderMonitorConsole application can be used to start/stop such an instance when desired.

    See Also
