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    This command-line option presets _cache variables that can be accessed via script - see script object _cache.


    -cache name1:value1;name2:value2;...


    This provides application programmers the opportunity to pass data directly to their form scripts. -cache options set -cache variables. -cache variables survive across document boundaries (unlike global fields). In JavaScript, using the above syntax example _cache.name2 returns value2 as its result. Outside of JavaScipt, -cache variables can be referenced directly in forms or data via the automatic/embedded field reference syntax of [!Cache name]. For example, using the above syntax example, [!Cache name2] would have value2 substituted.

    The name string must contain only alphanumeric characters or the '_' (underscore) character. You can specify multiple name/value pairs by separating each pair with a semicolon. Also, you can specify multiple -cache options and they will be combined, not overridden. Note that if any string contains blanks the entire -cache parameter must be enclosed in double quotation marks, for example:

    -cache "first:this is the first value;second:and this is the second"

    See Also

    Command Line Processing
    Auto/Embedded Fields
    _cache script object