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    Provide additional message text to accompany the alert.


    -alertMsg text


    Email alerts automatically set the email message to the same message that is normally logged to the logfile, including the time and date stamp.

    The -alertMsg is an additional optional text message to add to the message. The text can be multi-line by separating each line by a semicolon as in:

    -alertMsg "This is an alert;this is the second line;this is the third"

    Alert messages (and the -alertSubject) can also contain certain system information strings. These are specified by the following syntax:

    -alertMsg "Error: [MsgID];Registration ID: [RegID]"

    The processing will replace [MsgID] with the current message ID, and [RegID] with the customer's registration ID. The following substitutions are possible:

    [App]– The name of the program that's running – for example Merge
    [Keyfile]– The name of the registration keyfile if it can be found. This file is often named using the customer name or some system name, making it useful in identifying exactly which computer sent the alert.
    [MsgID]– the error/message identifier. This uniquely identifies the error within each program.
    [RegID]– the customer's DocOrigin Registration ID if it can be found.
    [SysID]– the computer's DocOrigin System ID if it can be found.

    See Also
